Professional Development for Business Professionals

We understand there are certain critical skills and behaviors that need to be developed to drive business performance and help employees to perform their best. That’s why we created specialist programs that address the pressing challenges faced by today’s professionals.

Boost Your Competitive Edge with Our
Professional Development & Skills Programs

Insurance Professional Development

Whether you're a new employee or a seasoned professional, expand your insurance industry knowledge with job-related skills, job roles, and career development with Kaplan's Insurance Professional Development.


Data Literacy

In today’s fast-paced and analytics-driven world, data literacy serves everyone in both personal and professional settings. Individuals in all fields of work need to be able to interpret data and incorporate it into their workflow, allowing evidence to drive decisions and improve overall performance.

Career Readiness

If you’re new to professional careers or leadership roles, the expectations and challenges of these positions can seem overwhelming. Kaplan’s Career Readiness courses provide training into areas that are often considered a skills gap for recent graduates, new hires, and those new to management positions.

Project Management

Project managers use tools and techniques to plan, execute, complete, and assess the development of a service or product, grow revenue, or meet some other organizational objective.

Fraternal Training Designations

The Fraternal Insurance Counselor (FIC), Fraternal Insurance Counselor Fellow (FICF), and Fraternal Financial Services Counselor (FFSC) are industry-recognized designations showcasing your commitment to improving as a professional in the fraternal society.