Accounting Continuing Education Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to all of your questions about Kaplan's Accounting Continuing Professional Education (CPE) solutions. If you have any additional questions or would like to work with our student support team just contact us.

FAQ for Accounting Continuing Education

Check with National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) for information about CPE requirements in your state. 

If you're currently enrolled in one of our courses and have questions related to:

  • Locating/tracking materials, rescheduling a class, or filing of CPE credits, please contact our Student Support team: 800.824.8742 or
  • Accessing or viewing your courses or assistance with online education, our Technical Support team can help you: 800.824.8742, then choose option #2. Please visit the Technical Support page for current tech support hours.

All attendees will receive a certificate of completion to document attendance at the end of each program. Timelines for when you will receive your certificate of completion vary.To access your certificate log into your student account on Kaplan Learn and locate the Completions and Certiifcates button on the student dashboard.

  • Self-Study Online Courses: Accessible within an hour of completion
  • Webinar: Accessible within 10 business days of attendance
  • Live Seminars: Accessible within 21 business days of attendance
  • Conferences: Accessible within 21 business days of attendance

Note: If you lose your CPE Certificate & require a new one, a $25 per certificate fee will be charged.

All certificates for the previous 5 years (2022-2018) will be included on the new Kaplan Learn in your student accounts within Completions and Certificateson the student dashboard. 

  1. Log in to your account at 
  2. Select My Completions & Certificates in the left navigation pane
All certificates for the past five years will be included on your student dashboard on illustration below:

Kaplan's Student Support team can also help you with accessing your certificate of completion. You can contact them by calling 800.824.8742 or emailing

Refunds for online courses may be issued to a student under the following conditions:

  • The course was paid for by the student
  • No final test has been taken for the course
  • A written refund request has been submitted by the student to Kaplan within 30 days of purchase

If you are unsatisfied with your materials, call or email our Student Support team at 800.824.8742 or

Need a Little Guidance?

Connect with our Student or Technical Support teams for further assistance.

Stacked CPE Logo
Kaplan Financial Education is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: