Free eBook: Creating a CFP® Study Plan That Works

Preparing for the CFP® exam can seem overwhelming. Not only is there a lot of information to learn, but you also need to be able to apply it to potential financial planning situations. Making a CFP® study plan is the best way to ensure you make the most of your study time and are ready for exam day.

In this free eBook you will learn:

  • How to create a plan using the exam category weights
  • The right approach to the eight major domains in your study plan
  • The scoring process and how to prepare
  • The importance of a review course and mock exam
  • What free resources are available to download to help you study


Download Your Free Copy of this eBook

STEP 1: Enter your information in the form below, and click “Download eBook.”

STEP 2: You will receive an email from  College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company with a link to the eBook.

STEP 3: Click the link in your email to access your free eBook.
