How to Get a Minnesota Insurance License

The process of earning your insurance license can sometimes be confusing. Because every state’s licensing requirements are a little different, the steps you need to take to become licensed can vary from state to state. If you’re planning to earn your license in Minnesota, follow these four steps:
Step 1: Complete the Required Prelicensing Education
To earn a Minnesota insurance license, regardless of license type, you are required to complete a certain number of hours of education. We’ve outlined the specific hourly requirements for each license type on our Minnesota State Requirements page.
To pass the prelicensing course, you will need to pass a course exam. When you have passed the exam, you will receive a school certificate. Hold on to that certificate because you will need to present it when you sit for your state licensing exam.
Thinking about a career in insurance? Download our free ebook, Launching Your Insurance Career with Confidence, for advice and tips from 100+ insurance professionals.
Step 2: Schedule and Pass the Required Minnesota Insurance Licensing Exam
Once your required education is complete, you are approved to sit for your state exam. Minnesota’s exam provider is Pearson VUE. You need to contact Pearson VUE directly to schedule your exam. They can be reached at or 833-273-1946.
To ensure you’re prepared for the exam, consider taking advantage of Kaplan’s Minnesota insurance licensing exam prep education.
Step 3: Fingerprints and Background Check
Fingerprinting is required as part of your criminal background check. It is part of the exam process, and the service is provided at the testing center. You pay a required fee, and your prints are sent to the state for approval, which could take up to four weeks.
Scheduling with Idemia (electronic fingerprinting at a test center):
Go to, or call Idemia at (866) 761-8069 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central time) to make a fingerprint reservation as close to the start time of your examination as possible. (It does not need to be the exact same time. As long as you have made a fingerprint reservation, the test center will be able to process your prints when you arrive for your exam.) Use your full legal name, as it appears on your government-issued ID, when you make your fingerprint reservation, and be sure to select the correct license type. Write down the confirmation number; you will need it on the day of your appointment.
Step 4: Apply for a Minnesota Insurance License
You’ve cleared some major milestones passing your course and state exam. Now it’s time to follow through and apply for your license. You can submit your producer license application online at Sircon.
Are you ready to get started on the path to earning an insurance license in Minnesota? Browse our Minnesota insurance exam prep study solutions today. You’ll find online and live class options to fit your preferred schedule and learning style.
Free eBook: Launching Your Insurance Career with Confidence
As an aspiring insurance professional, wouldn’t it be great if you could sit down with a room full of successful insurance veterans and ask them for their advice? The Kaplan Financial Education team interviewed over 100 insurance professionals to develop this exclusive eBook for those who are considering the insurance industry.