As of 6/15/20, enrollments in Wealth Management designations will not qualify for state insurance CE. 

Professional Designation Renewal Requirements

Following the initial conferment of one of the College for Financial Planning®—A Kaplan Company’s professional designations, authorization for continued use of the credential must be renewed every two years. There are four renewal requirements outlined below. For additional details, please view the College Catalog on our academic policies page.

To complete the following four steps for Professional Designation Renewal, log into your account.

For LUTCF® designation holders, please visit the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors (NAIFA) website for renewal requirements and to renew your LUTCF® designation. 

Log Into Account

Log into your account to complete the following four steps to renew your professional designation

When renewing your designation, you must attest to having completed 16 CE credits. The College for Financial Planning does not require you to submit your CE documentation at the time of renewal. However, it is important to keep a copy of your documentation in case of an audit. 


As a designee holder, you are responsible for retaining all documentation related to your CE credits. Should you be audited, you will need to provide proof of earning 16 CE credits. This documentation should include your name, the program name, the sponsor's name, the date and location of the program, the number of CE credits earned, and the sponsor’s signature. Acceptable documentation includes Certificates or Letters of Attendance/Completion, Grade Reports, or Transcripts. Please ensure that the documentation is issued by the sponsoring organization, institution, or State insurance system, as screenshots, photographs, Excel spreadsheets, forwarded emails, confirmation emails of webinar attendance, or PDFs of emails containing CE transcripts or certificates are not acceptable.


The subjects of a designee holder's CE credits must align with the College Catalog. CE credits should cover one or more topics specific to your designation. If you’re unsure whether your CE credits match the College’s Subject Topic List, please refer to the Subject Topic List section of the College Catalog for more information. You can access the College Catalog using this link: Academic Policies and Procedures

The Standards of Professional Conduct establishes minimum standards of acceptable professional conduct for persons authorized to use one of the professional designations. The self-disclosure component requires designees to disclose any criminal, civil, self-regulatory organization, or governmental agency inquiry, investigation, or proceeding related to their professional or business conduct. Initial conferment and renewed authorization to use the designation is contingent upon the College for Financial Planning—A Kaplan Company’s review of matters that are either self-disclosed or discovered by the College and required to be disclosed.

The Terms and Conditions statement outlines designees' rights to use the College's marks and acknowledges the rights of the College to protect the marks from unauthorized use by individuals or entities.

The non-refundable renewal fee is $100 per designation for a two-year period.


Late Renewal 


Students who do not complete their renewal by the renewal date will have their updated renewal date backdated to the original renewal date. The renewal date will not reflect the date the alumni completed the renewal application and paid the fee. If a late renewal is completed, a non-refundable $100 renewal fee will be charged, and the renewal date will be backdated.


Designees holding two or more designations may choose to pay a Multiple Designation Renewal Fee of $100, which will create a single renewal date for all of their College designations. This $100 fee covers the renewal for all designations for a two-year period.

Frequently Asked Questions about Professional Designation Renewals

Professional designations can be renewed no more than 120 days before the renewal due date. The new two year renewal cycle will start from your current renewal due date.
Yes, Life & Health CE will qualify. See the College Catalog for an approved subject list.
Yes, any CE that is authorized for your CFP® certification renewal will qualify for your professional designation renewal.
No, you can take courses with any approved CE provider. Please see the College Catalog for an approved subject list.
CE for the College for Financial Planning®—A Kaplan Company’s professional designations does not need to be reported. You will attest that your CE is complete during the professional designation renewal process. We only ask for CE proof if you are randomly selected for a CE audit. If selected for a CE audit, you will receive an email with instructions on how to report.
No, during the renewal process you will attest that you have already completed the required continuing education. Therefore, CE must be done prior to completing the professional designation renewal application.
Our professional designations do not have license numbers.