Webinars for Financial Professionals

Stay current on trends, and gain greater insight into timely financial topics by attending an upcoming live webinar for financial professionals or watching an OnDemand webinar. Our free events are open to advisors and staff of all levels. Certain webinars may qualify for College for Financial Planning® continuing education (CE) renewal credit.

Upcoming Live Webinars

ETFs: Revolutionizing Portfolio Construction

In 2024, the U.S. ETF industry experienced unprecedented growth, with more than 650 new Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) launched, surpassing the previous year's record by more than 150. Additionally, net inflows reached approximately $1.1 trillion, breaking the previous record of $901 billion set in 2021.

ETFs continue to revolutionize how investors build portfolios and have likely become the preferred investment vehicle for many. In this webinar, the College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company and BlackRock dive into the latest ETF innovations, practical applications, and strategic benefits.

Financial advisors will learn more about:

  • Employing ETFs for tax efficiency, liquidity, and cost management
  • Incorporating active and passive ETFs to help tailor solutions for diverse client needs.
  • Utilizing thematic and factor-based ETFs to seek to capitalize on emerging global trends and market shifts
  • Aiming to construct resilient portfolios using advanced ETF strategies
  • A new ETF & Portfolio Construction certificate program, developed by the College in partnership with iShares® by BlackRock

Live Webinar

Tuesday, March 25

12:30 pm ET

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OnDemand Webinars

2025 Tax and Economic Outlook


2025 has given America a new administration in Washington D.C. As a result, tax law changes are poised to come rapidly, but what exactly is the new tax plan?  Forthcoming answers to many questions will undoubtedly impact financial advisors, such as: Will the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expire or be extended? Will taxes on Social Security income be eliminated for retirees?  What are the new retirement plan contribution limits?  Will tariffs (essentially a tax on foreign countries) be imposed to balance the fiscal budget?  What is the global minimum tax and how will it affect U.S. corporations?  

In public equities, the current bull market is one of the strongest on record. Since 2023, markets have hit a new, all-time high no fewer than 80 times. Gains have largely been fueled by artificial intelligence and tech.  Is this amazing growth sustainable, or is a correction likely?

Watch this webinar to get a 2025 tax and economic update to understand where the industry is headed.

OnDemand Webinar

Value of a Financial Designation

Whether you are just starting out in financial services or have already earned your CFP® mark, a financial designation can add to your skill set and help advance your career. College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company presents this webinar to help you explore financial designations that expand your expertise and empower you for your current career stage.

OnDemand Webinar

Direct Index Investing Demystified

Direct index investing has been growing in popularity, particularly among high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors. This investment strategy has not yet reached mainstream retail investors, but it is expected to grow faster than ETFs, mutual funds, and separately managed accounts over the next five years. Recent fin-tech advancements have made it easier to manage the complexities of direct index investing, but what is direct index investing precisely?  


Financial advisors can gain insights into these topics:

  • How direct index investing operates
  • How its performance measures up to more traditional investment styles (including costs to the investor)
  • Its tax efficiency, advantages, and potential drawbacks

OnDemand Webinar

The ABCs of BDCs

Business development companies (BDCs) are one of the fastest growing assets available on the market today.  As of 2024, these wildly popular investment companies manage over $1.7 trillion in assets.*  The investment returns are enticing.  However, BDCs are also complex and carry unique risks. In this webinar, learn about the history, pros and cons of business development companies.

*Hidalgo, K. (2023, October 27). How private credit gives banks a run for their money. Bloomberg. Retrieved July 10, 2024, from https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-27/what-is-private-credit-and-how-doe s-it-work#xj4y7vzkg

Faculty Speaker Helps Participants Understand:

  • What is driving the boom in private credit markets?  
  • How are they taxed?
  • How are they regulated?  

OnDemand Webinar


Unlock the Power of AI: Using AI Tools in Your Financial Planning Practice

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing finance by increasing efficiency, improving risk management, enhancing customer experiences, and driving innovation across various sectors of the financial industry. View this webinar to learn more about how you can responsibly use AI in your financial planning practice.

Faculty Speaker will cover the following

  • Deep dive into how AI tools can aid financial planners
  • Specific examples on using automated data analysis to provide real time financial advice
  • How to differentiate between various AI tools

OnDemand Webinar


2024 Tax Policy and Economic Update

SECURE Act 2.0 was signed into law in December of 2022, but there are provisions of SECURE 2.0 that will start to go into effect this year, including:

  • New IRA and 401(k) contribution limits
  • The Starter 401(k) plan
  • Student loan payments eligible for 401(k) match treatment

View this webinar for a succinct look at the above provisions as well as an update on economic indicators and the fiscal legislation and how they will affect you, your practice and your clients in 2024.

Faculty Speaker Will Help Participants Understand:

  • What changes have been made to Social Security?
  • How is tax policy affecting the broader economy?
  • How can financial advisors leverage this knowledge to create tax alpha for their clients? 

OnDemand Webinar

2024 Tax Policy and Economic Update

Artificial Intelligence – Financial Advisors’ New Top Competitor & What To Do About It 

No longer a dream relegated to science fiction, artificial intelligence (AI) is now a reality. AI differs from previous technologies because it has the unique ability to contribute to its own growth and development. The scientific community describes this new, breathtaking growth curve as stacked exponential acceleration.  We may be on the verge of a technological revolution as significant as the creation of the internet.

Robo-advisors already manage in excess of $1 trillion of investments.  Robo-advisors can also measure client risk tolerance, construct complex, efficient portfolios in seconds and trade without emotion.  In addition to all this, AI “bots” are capable of interacting with humans.  In the era of remote, digital meetings, bots look and sound astonishingly human, never sleep and may quickly become a financial advisor’s top competitor.

Faculty Speaker Will Help Participants Understand:

  • What is the current impact of AI on financial services?
  • Is AI beneficial to the global economy or simply another tech bubble?
  • How do advisors harness this new technology to their advantage instead of being replaced by it? 

OnDemand Webinar

Artificial Intelligence – Financial Advisors’ New Top Competitor

Recession: Which Indicators Should Cause Financial Planners to Be Concerned?

Reading economic conditions to help guide investing advice is core to financial planners' jobs. With the myriad of economic indicators available, which are important to pay attention to? And, when there is a prolonged downturn in economic activity, which indicators should cause financial planners to be concerned?

In this webinar, faculty speakers will help participants understand:

  • What the key economic indicators are
  • How to interpret these indicators and know what they tell you about the current economy
  • Which indicators should cause concern in a recession to inform financial planning recommendations

OnDemand Webinar

Recession: Which Indicators Should Cause Financial Planners to Be Concerned?

Navigating Lifelong Learning in Finance Careers

A changing world - in technology, new products and services and the workforce - necessitates continuous learning in finance careers. At various stages of one’s career, deep specialty knowledge is needed and at other stages broad business knowledge is likely needed. Careers in financial planning, investment analysis and management inevitably may move between these levels. This webinar will take a look at graduate degrees (MBA and specialty masters) and industry designation programs (CFA charter, CFP® certification and CAIA charter) through this lens.

Panelists Will Help Participants Understand:

  • Impacts of a changing world on lifelong learning
  • Speciality knowledge vs broad business knowledge from the perspective of typical finance roles
  • Deep dive looks at more popular designation programs (CFA, CFP® and CAIA)
  • Stackable and concurrent qualification pathways

OnDemand Webinar

Navigating Lifelong Learning in Finance Careers

Deciphering the Retirement Planning Impact of the SECURE Act 2.0

Dubbed the “SECURE Act 2.0”, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 was signed into law on December 29, 2022. As one of the most sweeping pieces of legislation financial planners have seen in years, SECURE 2.0 contains numerous changes that impact retirement planning and taxation. Astonishingly, some of these changes take effect immediately. Others will go into effect as early as 2024. In this webinar, gain answers to common questions.

Faculty Speakers Will Help Participants Understand:

  • Does the new law alter the rules for catch-up contributions that apply to older workers?
  • Does SECURE 2.0 change the age at which retirees must begin taking their required minimum distributions (RMDs)?
  • What changes were made to 529 savings plans and Roth accounts?
  • What’s the new incentive for charitable giving through an IRA?  
  • What is the potential long term impact to clients and the investment environment

OnDemand Webinar

Deciphering the Retirement Planning Impact of the SECURE Act 2.0

Through the Lens of Behavioral Finance—Investor Biases

Interest rates on debt are climbing, inflation is roaring, and the stock market remains volatile, yet consumer spending keeps rising. External factors—such as current economic conditions—are causing stress for individual investors and their advisors. Internal factors related to the psychology of money are also associated with stress. Investors respond to these internal and external cues by employing faulty heuristics and displaying harmful biases, affecting financial outcomes. This webinar will help you learn to identify and manage stress-induced behaviors in clients and professionals alike.

Faculty Speaker Will Help Participants:

  • Recognize individual and societal psychological factors that shape investment and trading decisions
  • Explore heuristics and biases associated with internal and external factors
  • Discover mitigation strategies for investors’ and investment professionals’ behaviors due to stress

OnDemand Webinar


Retirement Advisor Insights: Unique Issues of Government and Military Employees

Over 25 million Americans are government (federal, state, or local governments) and military employees. They represent approximately 15% of the United States workforce. This growing employee segment and their families face unique retirement planning dynamics that financial advisors should be aware of to help clients make sound decisions. We will introduce you to some of the basic financial issues they face when it comes to aspects like retirement contributions, tax implications, and benefit options.

Faculty Speaker Will Help Participants:

  • Understand the basics of how employee benefits available to government and military employees may differ from non-government and military workers
  • Become aware of how their benefits present unique financial planning complexities

Retirement Advisor Insights: Unique Issues of Government and Military Employees


Through the Lens of Behavioral Finance—Stock Market Bubbles

It happens all the time: a client has just read about a stock that is going through the roof, and they want in on the deal. You are witnessing a bubble in the stock market, which can result in financial ruin for investors and perpetuate market volatility. Behavioral finance research has uncovered root causes of these bubbles in investor biases. Learn to recognize and mitigate clients’ irrational behavior, and preserve portfolios and financial plans.

Faculty Speaker Will Help Participants:

  • Recognize determinants of market bubbles as predicted by behavioral finance
  • Analyze investor behavior at the root of market bubbles 
  • Discover mitigation strategies for investor biases

    Through the Lens of Behavioral Finance—Stock Market Bubbles

    A Brief Primer: College Athletes As Financial Planning Clients

    College athletes are unique to traditional high-net-worth clients and likely will be one of the wealthiest clienteles an advisor ever works with. This webinar will explore these unique differentiators including sudden wealth and variable career spans, cash flow and lifestyle maintenance, federal and state income taxation, and labor union/independent business planning. In addition, we will explore the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)'s recent Name, Image, and Likeness policy and its implications for advisors. 

    Faculty Speakers Will Help Participants:

    • Gain insight into the quantitative, qualitative, and relevant issues currently affecting athletes
    • Understand the advisor’s respective role and impact on the client-planner relationship

      A Brief Primer: College Athletes As Financial Planning Clients

      Sustainable Investing in Times of Military Conflict 

      Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has rocked financial markets across the world, leaving many investors to believe that riding the surge of oil, gas, and armament companies is the only way to preserve capital for the future. Although many investing experts have touted the importance of sustainable investments in recent years, there has been a slight exodus in interest for sustainable investing, namely because most mutual funds and ETFs exclude the aforementioned industries. Ethics aside, there are numerous reasons why military conflict and market instability should not be reasons to discount the long-term power of sustainable investment options. We will discuss why times of conflict are actually the best times to consider making the switch to a sustainable portfolio.

      Faculty Speaker Will Help Participants:

      • Discuss the practicality of sustainable investing practices in times of market volatility and global economic uncertainty
      • Discover ways to apply current events to the long-term growth prospects for client portfolios

      Sustainable Investing in Times of Military Conflict

      Planning for Rising Inflation and 2022 Tax Changes

      With inflation on the rise and new tax legislation taking effect, significant changes are anticipated in 2022. As such, clients and their advisors will need to reassess whether current planning strategies are still appropriate or need updating. This web seminar will review those potential changes and how advisors and their clients can plan accordingly.

      Faculty Speakers Will Help Participants:

      • Analyze and review recent inflationary changes and their impact on advisors and their clients:
        • General inflation
        • Social Security Administration
        • Impact and recommendations for advisors and clients
      • Analyze and review recent and future potential tax legislative changes and potential strategies for advisors and their clients:
        • 2022 IRS inflation adjustments
        • New legislation for 2022
        • Pending/potential legislation
        • Impact and recommendations for advisors and clients

      Planning for Rising Inflation and 2022 Tax Changes


      Diversity and Inclusion in Financial Planning Education: Creating a Diverse Workforce

      This web seminar introduces the theoretical foundations of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and considers the advantages and challenges associated with a diverse workforce. It presents a conceptual framework of diversity in financial planning, examining factors that affect diversity in the financial planning education and profession. Finally, it discusses a roadmap to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the financial planning workplace.



      Presenters Will Help Participants:

      • Describe theories on diversity in the workplace
      • Examine the advantages and disadvantages of diversity in the workplace
      • Analyze the factors that impact diversity based on the conceptual framework of diversity in financial planning
      • Evaluate how current educational initiatives at the College for Financial Planning address the gaps in diversity in the field 
      • Analyze the current initiatives by CFP Board and how they address gaps in research on diversity
      • Create a road map for practitioners to enhance diversity and inclusion at their workplace and for researchers to fill the gaps in research

      Diversity and Inclusion in Financial Planning Education

      Insights from Behavioral Finance on Financial Planning and Real Estate

      No other asset class has quite the hold on our hearts that real estate has. While it is prudent to evaluate its benefits and risks to clients’ portfolios, cash flow, and financial planning, clients often resist objective analysis. Behavioral finance can provide a useful perspective for working with clients’ biases and irrationalities. This advanced-level webinar will provide financial planners and real estate professionals with useful advice for dealing with clients’ subjectivity. A panel of financial planning and real estate experts will demonstrate best practices for helping clients utilize real estate to further their financial goals despite their irrational beliefs and behaviors.

      Presenters Will Help Financial Planners:
      • Explore the role of real estate in financial planning
      • Describe behavioral finance concepts and research
      • Distinguish different types of cognitive and behavioral biases
      • Recognize the effect of biases on client behaviors
      • Explore methods of mitigating biases
      • Analyze real estate and financial planning professions’ mutual interests


      Insights from Behavioral Finance

      Meeting the Investor Education Demand for Sustainable Investing

      Sustainable investing in the United States continues to expand at a robust pace: as of 2020, one in three investment dollars in the United States uses environmental, social, and governance criteria for analysis.* As the demand for investing in ESG products, impact strategies, and sustainable investment funds grow, it is critical for financial advisors to learn and understand sustainable investing in order to effectively meet this new wave of client demand. 

      Faculty of the College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company Cover: 
      • Current state of investor demand for ESG investing
      • How to develop an SRI strategy for a client
      • How financial advisors can be conscientious in their investment choices by avoiding "greenwashing"
      *The US SIF Foundation's 2020 biennial Report on US Sustainable and Impact Investing Trends.


      Meeting the Investor Education Demand For Sustainable Investing

      Upcoming Live Webinars

      Looking for Free Resources and Materials for CFP® Certification?


      Learn More

      Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.

      Buying and selling shares of ETFs may result in brokerage commissions.

      Diversification and asset allocation may not protect against market risk or loss of principal.

      There can be no assurance that an active trading market for shares of an ETF will develop or be maintained.

       Actively managed funds do not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index, may have higher portfolio turnover, and may charge higher fees than index funds due to increased trading and research expenses.

      There can be no assurance that performance will be enhanced or risk will be reduced for funds that seek to provide exposure to certain quantitative investment characteristics ("factors"). Exposure to such investment factors may detract from performance in some market environments, perhaps for extended periods. In such circumstances, a fund may seek to maintain exposure to the targeted investment factors and not adjust to target different factors, which could result in losses.

      This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument.

      iSHARES and BLACKROCK are registered trademarks of BlackRock, Inc. and its affiliates. BlackRock is not affiliated with Kaplan or The College for Financial Planning. 


      The SECURE Act: Source: Goldman Sachs, Retirement Survey & Insights Report 2022. https://www.gsam.com/content/gsam/us/en/institutions/market-insights/gsam-insights/2022/retirement-survey-insights-2022.html.

      Certified Financial Education InstructorSM and CFEI® are registered trademarks or service marks of the National Financial Educators Council.

      Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the United States, which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.

      The College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company does not certify individuals to use the CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and CFP (with plaque logo) certification marks. CFP® certification is granted only by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. to those persons who, in addition to completing an educational requirement such as this CFP Board-Registered Program, have met its ethics, experience, and examination requirements. The College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company is an education and exam prep review provider for the CFP® Certification Examination administered by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. CFP Board does not endorse any education or review course or receive financial remuneration from education or review course providers.