2024 Survey of Trends in the Financial Planning Industry

Gain insights into financial planning trends with our comprehensive survey. Explore a snapshot of the financial planning industry trends through the lens of working professionals.

About the Financial Planning Industry Survey

This exclusive report offers comprehensive insights into current trends within the financial planning and advising industry, as perceived by CFP® certificants and graduates of the College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company's professional designation and graduate degree programs.

Given the ever-changing landscape of the financial planning sector, remaining up-to-date on industry shifts is essential. As a result, the College for Financial Planning® publishes an annual Survey of Trends to keep professionals updated.

Beyond the demographics of CFP® designation holders, this report serves as a valuable resource for understanding prevalent trends among financial practitioners, their clients, and their perspectives, enabling you to remain well-informed and adaptable in this evolving landscape.


Financial Planning Industry Survey Topics

Within this report you’ll get access to the latest insights and trends around:

  • Client Concerns and Interests
  • Client Demographics
  • Career Satisfaction
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Earning Potentials
  • Job Responsibilities
  • Work Environments
  • Workforce Challenges

Additionally, the survey includes helpful information about getting started in a financial planning career and some of the major reasons why we see people deciding to pursue this career.


Survey Highlights

Financial Professional Profile

  • Demographic information (age, gender, education/educational backgrounds, and industry experience)
  • The reasons for pursuing a financial services career
  • Financial credentials earned
  • Effects of financial credentials 
  • Summary of financial practices

About Their Clients

  • A view into the typical client
  • Client concerns and interests

Financial Professional Viewpoints

  • Financial education and training programs
  • Financial planning workforce
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion 
  • Biggest challenges for the future


of professionals report having greater confidence in speaking with clients after earning their most recent financial credential.


The biggest challenges facing the financial planning industry in the next 5 years:

  • Rise of artificial intelligence and robo-advisors.  
  • Succession planning as senior financial advisors retire. 


of financial planners believe the industry is doing the right amount to support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts.
These are among the findings of a quantitative survey conducted by the College for Financial Planning®—a Kaplan Company between June 27, 2023, and August 7, 2023. A total of 951 respondents completed the survey, although not all of them answered every question.

Impact of Financial Credentials on Careers

Below are some specific stats from the Survey of Trends that demonstrate the impact financial credentials have on the careers of finance professionals.


Career Satisfaction in the Financial Planning Industry

Since earning their most recent financial credential, 69% of College for Financial Planning graduates report being more satisfied with their financial planning career. Here is the breakdown of career satisfaction, based on designation:


Career Satisfaction in the Financial Planning Industry

Financial Professionals Increased their Client Base

In general, 72% of our graduates saw an increase in their client base after earning their most recent financial credential. Here is the breakdown by designation:


Financial Professionals Increased their Client Base

Financial Practitioner Viewpoints

As they are developing their careers in financial planning, respondents identify three areas of importance.


Financial Practitioner Viewpoints

Survey Methodology

A series of questions was developed to inquire about planner demographics including age, gender, experience, and earnings. We sent the survey to recent graduates of our own CFP® Certification Professional Education Program, each of our professional designation programs, and our Master of Science degree programs. From June through August 2023, 951 respondents completed the survey, although not all of them answered every question.

Survey Demographics

Respondents tended to be male financial services professionals employed in financial planning or investment planning with long-stand clients:


60% of respondents are male.


A variety of age groups responded, with 49% being 34 years old or younger, 41% being between the ages of 35 and 54, and 10% being at least 55 years of age.


62% of financial services professionals hold a bachelor’s degree and 26% have earned a master’s degree, while 4% hold another higher education degree and 8% do not hold a higher education degree.

Educational Backgrounds

Financial services professionals come from a variety of backgrounds, with the most common undergraduate degrees being in finance (24%), business (19%), social science (13%), and economics (10%).

Industry Experience

88% of respondents are currently a practicing financial services professional. Of these respondents, 84% report being currently employed in financial planning, 49% in investment planning, 28% in securities, and 19% in insurance.