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Colorado CE Webinars

Renew your insurance license by attending an Colorado-approved continuing education live webinar. Kaplan’s live CE webinars allow you to earn credits from the comfort of your home or office without having to pass an exam. Our instructors have years of financial and insurance industry experience, providing valuable insights that can be applied to your practice. 


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Select Colorado Insurance Continuing Education Webinars

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Showing 10 of 240 Webinars

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 1, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Financial Strategies to Achieve Client Objectives, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 1, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Increase your knowledge and understanding of the issues and tools involved in helping individuals accumulate and preserve financial assets. Special attention is paid to understanding client needs and goals at various stages in life, and understanding the strategies, products, and techniques to help the client achieve their goals and objectives. Specific focus will include determining needs and objectives; saving and accumulation techniques; risk and risk management; and asset allocation.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Insurance Fraud, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 2, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

While most people who buy insurance are honest, there are those that make a business out of defrauding the insurance industry. A fraud scheme may be carried out when the insured changes the policy, when the policy is renewed, or perhaps not until a claim is made. There are often opportunities for fraud to be discovered at any of those times. Insurance producers, risk managers, loss control specialists, underwriters, and claim professionals can all play a part in combating fraud. This course will help students understand the impact of fraud and the role that they, as insurance professionals, can play in addressing it.

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 2, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Christian Hansen
April 3, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
April 3, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
April 4, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
April 4, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 8-Hour Long-Term Care Partnership (Initial Training Webinar)

Brian Onderik
April 7, 2025
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Long-Term Care Training
This class meets the mandatory 8-hour Colorado long-term care (LTC) partnership classroom training requirement. Producers desiring to sell LTC policies in Colorado must complete 16 hours of initial LTC training: 8 hours in long term care, generally (online or classroom), and 8 hours specific to LTC partnerships (classroom/webinar setting only). This class consists of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and partnership programs, including: State and federal regulations; alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care insurance; the effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection; and consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
April 8, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
April 8, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and the Business of Insurance (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
April 10, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will discuss compliance and ethics and delve into the difference between acting legally and acting ethically. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to an interactive discussion of ethical issues and guidelines regarding attitudes and specific conduct. Attendees will talk about the responsibilities that insurance and financial professionals owe to their clients and the companies they represent as well as the obligations owed to the regulators and the public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
April 10, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance and Annuities: The Effects of Income and Estate Taxation, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
April 11, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Most insurance and financial professionals understand the basic taxation principles regarding cash value build-up and the death benefits in life insurance and annuity contracts. Often overlooked, however, are specific rules, exceptions and conditions that may either expand or restrict the tax benefits. This course will cover how life insurance and annuities can deliver income tax benefits, issues that can cause contracts to lose their tax favored status, special tax rules for business owned life insurance policies and rules regarding tax-free exchanges. The course will also address estate taxation of life insurance and annuities.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
April 11, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 15, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 15, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Disability Income Insurance: Safeguarding Your Future (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 16, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed to help insurance agents recognize the probabilities of disability, the potential losses resulting from disabilities, and the need for disability income protection. The course will also help insurance agents understand individual disability income insurance as well as other sources of disability income protection such as social security, group disability income protection, and salary continuation plans. This course will address various business loss exposures and applications of disability income insurance to address these exposures. Lastly, the course will address taxation of individual disability income insurance and related options.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 16, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Ray Rosenberg
April 17, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
April 17, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Ethics and Insurance Fraud, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
April 18, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

While most people who buy insurance are honest, there are those that make a business out of defrauding the insurance industry. A fraud scheme may be carried out when the insured changes the policy, when the policy is renewed, or perhaps not until a claim is made. There are often opportunities for fraud to be discovered at any of those times. Insurance producers, risk managers, loss control specialists, underwriters, and claim professionals can all play a part in combating fraud. This course will help students understand the impact of fraud and the role that they, as insurance professionals, can play in addressing it.

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
April 18, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 22, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brad Charles
April 22, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Indexed Annuity and Life Insurance Contracts (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
April 23, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The growth in popularity of indexed insurance products, specifically fixed indexed annuities and fixed indexed life insurance policies, has been dramatic. While these products are considered fixed contracts, the interest that is credited to these products is based on the performance of an external financial index. The basic concepts of these products may seem simple, but they are among the most complex of all insurance products. To many, they fall in the middle of the risk spectrum, between traditional fixed annuities and life insurance policies and variable annuities and variable life insurance policies. This course will explain how these products compare and contrast with their fixed counterparts. The course will also cover in detail different interest crediting methods and design characteristics of the indexed product, and the important suitability and market conduct issues related to these products.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Disability Income Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
April 23, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This class covers the risks and potential losses resulting from a disability, as well as the need for disability insurance. It helps producers understand the individual disability insurance policy as well as other public and private sources of disability protection. It also addresses business needs and uses for disability insurance. Topics include the taxation of premiums and proceeds.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
April 24, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
April 24, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
April 25, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
April 25, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
April 29, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Financial Strategies to Achieve Client Objectives, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
April 29, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Increase your knowledge and understanding of the issues and tools involved in helping individuals accumulate and preserve financial assets. Special attention is paid to understanding client needs and goals at various stages in life, and understanding the strategies, products, and techniques to help the client achieve their goals and objectives. Specific focus will include determining needs and objectives; saving and accumulation techniques; risk and risk management; and asset allocation.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Insurance Fraud, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
April 30, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

While most people who buy insurance are honest, there are those that make a business out of defrauding the insurance industry. A fraud scheme may be carried out when the insured changes the policy, when the policy is renewed, or perhaps not until a claim is made. There are often opportunities for fraud to be discovered at any of those times. Insurance producers, risk managers, loss control specialists, underwriters, and claim professionals can all play a part in combating fraud. This course will help students understand the impact of fraud and the role that they, as insurance professionals, can play in addressing it.

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
April 30, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Ray Rosenberg
May 1, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
May 1, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
May 2, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
May 2, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
May 12, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
May 12, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 5-Hour Long-Term Care Refresher, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
May 13, 2025
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Long Term Care 5hr. Ongoing Course

The Colorado 5 Hour Long Term Care Refresher, 2nd Edition updates insurance agents on the long-term care field, partnerships, and long-term care (LTC) insurance policies. This course reviews the elements of long-term care policies, especially the various elements required under Colorado law. The course also reviews elements of the Colorado LTC Partnership program, Medicaid, Medicare, and the market for long-term care insurance. Agents are given guidance on how to tailor long-term care insurance policies to meet client needs.

Ethics and the Business of Insurance (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
May 14, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will discuss compliance and ethics and delve into the difference between acting legally and acting ethically. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to an interactive discussion of ethical issues and guidelines regarding attitudes and specific conduct. Attendees will talk about the responsibilities that insurance and financial professionals owe to their clients and the companies they represent as well as the obligations owed to the regulators and the public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
May 14, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance and Annuities: The Effects of Income and Estate Taxation, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
May 15, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Most insurance and financial professionals understand the basic taxation principles regarding cash value build-up and the death benefits in life insurance and annuity contracts. Often overlooked, however, are specific rules, exceptions and conditions that may either expand or restrict the tax benefits. This course will cover how life insurance and annuities can deliver income tax benefits, issues that can cause contracts to lose their tax favored status, special tax rules for business owned life insurance policies and rules regarding tax-free exchanges. The course will also address estate taxation of life insurance and annuities.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
May 15, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
May 20, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
May 20, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Disability Income Insurance: Safeguarding Your Future (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
May 21, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed to help insurance agents recognize the probabilities of disability, the potential losses resulting from disabilities, and the need for disability income protection. The course will also help insurance agents understand individual disability income insurance as well as other sources of disability income protection such as social security, group disability income protection, and salary continuation plans. This course will address various business loss exposures and applications of disability income insurance to address these exposures. Lastly, the course will address taxation of individual disability income insurance and related options.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Robert Quinlan
May 21, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Christian Hansen
May 22, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
May 22, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Ethics and Insurance Fraud, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
May 23, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

While most people who buy insurance are honest, there are those that make a business out of defrauding the insurance industry. A fraud scheme may be carried out when the insured changes the policy, when the policy is renewed, or perhaps not until a claim is made. There are often opportunities for fraud to be discovered at any of those times. Insurance producers, risk managers, loss control specialists, underwriters, and claim professionals can all play a part in combating fraud. This course will help students understand the impact of fraud and the role that they, as insurance professionals, can play in addressing it.

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
May 23, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

David Gorecki
May 27, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

David Gorecki
May 27, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Indexed Annuity and Life Insurance Contracts (Webinar)

David Gorecki
May 28, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The growth in popularity of indexed insurance products, specifically fixed indexed annuities and fixed indexed life insurance policies, has been dramatic. While these products are considered fixed contracts, the interest that is credited to these products is based on the performance of an external financial index. The basic concepts of these products may seem simple, but they are among the most complex of all insurance products. To many, they fall in the middle of the risk spectrum, between traditional fixed annuities and life insurance policies and variable annuities and variable life insurance policies. This course will explain how these products compare and contrast with their fixed counterparts. The course will also cover in detail different interest crediting methods and design characteristics of the indexed product, and the important suitability and market conduct issues related to these products.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Disability Income Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

David Gorecki
May 28, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This class covers the risks and potential losses resulting from a disability, as well as the need for disability insurance. It helps producers understand the individual disability insurance policy as well as other public and private sources of disability protection. It also addresses business needs and uses for disability insurance. Topics include the taxation of premiums and proceeds.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
May 29, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
May 29, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
May 30, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
May 30, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 2, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Financial Strategies to Achieve Client Objectives, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 2, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Increase your knowledge and understanding of the issues and tools involved in helping individuals accumulate and preserve financial assets. Special attention is paid to understanding client needs and goals at various stages in life, and understanding the strategies, products, and techniques to help the client achieve their goals and objectives. Specific focus will include determining needs and objectives; saving and accumulation techniques; risk and risk management; and asset allocation.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Insurance Fraud, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 3, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

While most people who buy insurance are honest, there are those that make a business out of defrauding the insurance industry. A fraud scheme may be carried out when the insured changes the policy, when the policy is renewed, or perhaps not until a claim is made. There are often opportunities for fraud to be discovered at any of those times. Insurance producers, risk managers, loss control specialists, underwriters, and claim professionals can all play a part in combating fraud. This course will help students understand the impact of fraud and the role that they, as insurance professionals, can play in addressing it.

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 3, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Brian Onderik
June 4, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
June 4, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
June 5, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Christian Hansen
June 5, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 10, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 10, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Ray Rosenberg
June 12, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 12, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Ethics and Insurance Fraud, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 13, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

While most people who buy insurance are honest, there are those that make a business out of defrauding the insurance industry. A fraud scheme may be carried out when the insured changes the policy, when the policy is renewed, or perhaps not until a claim is made. There are often opportunities for fraud to be discovered at any of those times. Insurance producers, risk managers, loss control specialists, underwriters, and claim professionals can all play a part in combating fraud. This course will help students understand the impact of fraud and the role that they, as insurance professionals, can play in addressing it.

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Ray Rosenberg
June 13, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 8-Hour Long-Term Care Partnership (Initial Training Webinar)

Brian Onderik
June 16, 2025
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Long-Term Care Training
This class meets the mandatory 8-hour Colorado long-term care (LTC) partnership classroom training requirement. Producers desiring to sell LTC policies in Colorado must complete 16 hours of initial LTC training: 8 hours in long term care, generally (online or classroom), and 8 hours specific to LTC partnerships (classroom/webinar setting only). This class consists of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and partnership programs, including: State and federal regulations; alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care insurance; the effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection; and consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Brad Charles
June 17, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brad Charles
June 17, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Indexed Annuity and Life Insurance Contracts (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
June 18, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The growth in popularity of indexed insurance products, specifically fixed indexed annuities and fixed indexed life insurance policies, has been dramatic. While these products are considered fixed contracts, the interest that is credited to these products is based on the performance of an external financial index. The basic concepts of these products may seem simple, but they are among the most complex of all insurance products. To many, they fall in the middle of the risk spectrum, between traditional fixed annuities and life insurance policies and variable annuities and variable life insurance policies. This course will explain how these products compare and contrast with their fixed counterparts. The course will also cover in detail different interest crediting methods and design characteristics of the indexed product, and the important suitability and market conduct issues related to these products.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Disability Income Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
June 18, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This class covers the risks and potential losses resulting from a disability, as well as the need for disability insurance. It helps producers understand the individual disability insurance policy as well as other public and private sources of disability protection. It also addresses business needs and uses for disability insurance. Topics include the taxation of premiums and proceeds.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Brad Charles
June 20, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Brad Charles
June 20, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
June 24, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
June 24, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Disability Income Insurance: Safeguarding Your Future (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
June 25, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed to help insurance agents recognize the probabilities of disability, the potential losses resulting from disabilities, and the need for disability income protection. The course will also help insurance agents understand individual disability income insurance as well as other sources of disability income protection such as social security, group disability income protection, and salary continuation plans. This course will address various business loss exposures and applications of disability income insurance to address these exposures. Lastly, the course will address taxation of individual disability income insurance and related options.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Bob Rieckenberg
June 25, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Brian Onderik
June 26, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
June 26, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Ethics and Insurance Fraud, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
June 27, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

While most people who buy insurance are honest, there are those that make a business out of defrauding the insurance industry. A fraud scheme may be carried out when the insured changes the policy, when the policy is renewed, or perhaps not until a claim is made. There are often opportunities for fraud to be discovered at any of those times. Insurance producers, risk managers, loss control specialists, underwriters, and claim professionals can all play a part in combating fraud. This course will help students understand the impact of fraud and the role that they, as insurance professionals, can play in addressing it.

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Brian Onderik
June 27, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 1, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 1, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 3, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 3, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 8, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 9, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
July 10, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 10, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 11, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 11, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 15, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 15, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 5-Hour Long-Term Care Refresher, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 16, 2025
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Long Term Care 5hr. Ongoing Course

The Colorado 5 Hour Long Term Care Refresher, 2nd Edition updates insurance agents on the long-term care field, partnerships, and long-term care (LTC) insurance policies. This course reviews the elements of long-term care policies, especially the various elements required under Colorado law. The course also reviews elements of the Colorado LTC Partnership program, Medicaid, Medicare, and the market for long-term care insurance. Agents are given guidance on how to tailor long-term care insurance policies to meet client needs.

Ethics and the Business of Insurance (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 17, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will discuss compliance and ethics and delve into the difference between acting legally and acting ethically. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to an interactive discussion of ethical issues and guidelines regarding attitudes and specific conduct. Attendees will talk about the responsibilities that insurance and financial professionals owe to their clients and the companies they represent as well as the obligations owed to the regulators and the public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 17, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 18, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 22, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 22, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 23, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
July 24, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 24, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 25, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance and Annuities: The Effects of Income and Estate Taxation, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 29, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Most insurance and financial professionals understand the basic taxation principles regarding cash value build-up and the death benefits in life insurance and annuity contracts. Often overlooked, however, are specific rules, exceptions and conditions that may either expand or restrict the tax benefits. This course will cover how life insurance and annuities can deliver income tax benefits, issues that can cause contracts to lose their tax favored status, special tax rules for business owned life insurance policies and rules regarding tax-free exchanges. The course will also address estate taxation of life insurance and annuities.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Disability Income Insurance: Safeguarding Your Future (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 29, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed to help insurance agents recognize the probabilities of disability, the potential losses resulting from disabilities, and the need for disability income protection. The course will also help insurance agents understand individual disability income insurance as well as other sources of disability income protection such as social security, group disability income protection, and salary continuation plans. This course will address various business loss exposures and applications of disability income insurance to address these exposures. Lastly, the course will address taxation of individual disability income insurance and related options.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Disability Income Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 30, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am
Life, Accident and Health

This class covers the risks and potential losses resulting from a disability, as well as the need for disability insurance. It helps producers understand the individual disability insurance policy as well as other public and private sources of disability protection. It also addresses business needs and uses for disability insurance. Topics include the taxation of premiums and proceeds.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Indexed Annuity and Life Insurance Contracts (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 30, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The growth in popularity of indexed insurance products, specifically fixed indexed annuities and fixed indexed life insurance policies, has been dramatic. While these products are considered fixed contracts, the interest that is credited to these products is based on the performance of an external financial index. The basic concepts of these products may seem simple, but they are among the most complex of all insurance products. To many, they fall in the middle of the risk spectrum, between traditional fixed annuities and life insurance policies and variable annuities and variable life insurance policies. This course will explain how these products compare and contrast with their fixed counterparts. The course will also cover in detail different interest crediting methods and design characteristics of the indexed product, and the important suitability and market conduct issues related to these products.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Financial Strategies to Achieve Client Objectives, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
July 31, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Increase your knowledge and understanding of the issues and tools involved in helping individuals accumulate and preserve financial assets. Special attention is paid to understanding client needs and goals at various stages in life, and understanding the strategies, products, and techniques to help the client achieve their goals and objectives. Specific focus will include determining needs and objectives; saving and accumulation techniques; risk and risk management; and asset allocation.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 1, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 1, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 5, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 5, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 7, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 7, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 8, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 8, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 8-Hour Long-Term Care Partnership (Initial Training Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 11, 2025
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Long-Term Care Training
This class meets the mandatory 8-hour Colorado long-term care (LTC) partnership classroom training requirement. Producers desiring to sell LTC policies in Colorado must complete 16 hours of initial LTC training: 8 hours in long term care, generally (online or classroom), and 8 hours specific to LTC partnerships (classroom/webinar setting only). This class consists of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and partnership programs, including: State and federal regulations; alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care insurance; the effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection; and consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 12, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 13, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
August 14, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 14, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 15, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 15, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 19, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 19, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and the Business of Insurance (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 21, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will discuss compliance and ethics and delve into the difference between acting legally and acting ethically. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to an interactive discussion of ethical issues and guidelines regarding attitudes and specific conduct. Attendees will talk about the responsibilities that insurance and financial professionals owe to their clients and the companies they represent as well as the obligations owed to the regulators and the public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 21, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 22, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 26, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 26, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 27, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
August 28, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 28, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
August 29, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 2, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 2, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Indexed Annuity and Life Insurance Contracts (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 3, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The growth in popularity of indexed insurance products, specifically fixed indexed annuities and fixed indexed life insurance policies, has been dramatic. While these products are considered fixed contracts, the interest that is credited to these products is based on the performance of an external financial index. The basic concepts of these products may seem simple, but they are among the most complex of all insurance products. To many, they fall in the middle of the risk spectrum, between traditional fixed annuities and life insurance policies and variable annuities and variable life insurance policies. This course will explain how these products compare and contrast with their fixed counterparts. The course will also cover in detail different interest crediting methods and design characteristics of the indexed product, and the important suitability and market conduct issues related to these products.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 4, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 4, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 5, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 5, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 9, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 10, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
September 11, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 11, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 12, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 12, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 16, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 16, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 5-Hour Long-Term Care Refresher, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 17, 2025
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Long Term Care 5hr. Ongoing Course

The Colorado 5 Hour Long Term Care Refresher, 2nd Edition updates insurance agents on the long-term care field, partnerships, and long-term care (LTC) insurance policies. This course reviews the elements of long-term care policies, especially the various elements required under Colorado law. The course also reviews elements of the Colorado LTC Partnership program, Medicaid, Medicare, and the market for long-term care insurance. Agents are given guidance on how to tailor long-term care insurance policies to meet client needs.

Ethics and the Business of Insurance (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 18, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will discuss compliance and ethics and delve into the difference between acting legally and acting ethically. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to an interactive discussion of ethical issues and guidelines regarding attitudes and specific conduct. Attendees will talk about the responsibilities that insurance and financial professionals owe to their clients and the companies they represent as well as the obligations owed to the regulators and the public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 18, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 19, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 23, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 23, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 24, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
September 25, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 25, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
September 26, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Disability Income Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 1, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am
Life, Accident and Health

This class covers the risks and potential losses resulting from a disability, as well as the need for disability insurance. It helps producers understand the individual disability insurance policy as well as other public and private sources of disability protection. It also addresses business needs and uses for disability insurance. Topics include the taxation of premiums and proceeds.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Indexed Annuity and Life Insurance Contracts (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 1, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The growth in popularity of indexed insurance products, specifically fixed indexed annuities and fixed indexed life insurance policies, has been dramatic. While these products are considered fixed contracts, the interest that is credited to these products is based on the performance of an external financial index. The basic concepts of these products may seem simple, but they are among the most complex of all insurance products. To many, they fall in the middle of the risk spectrum, between traditional fixed annuities and life insurance policies and variable annuities and variable life insurance policies. This course will explain how these products compare and contrast with their fixed counterparts. The course will also cover in detail different interest crediting methods and design characteristics of the indexed product, and the important suitability and market conduct issues related to these products.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance and Annuities: The Effects of Income and Estate Taxation, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 2, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Most insurance and financial professionals understand the basic taxation principles regarding cash value build-up and the death benefits in life insurance and annuity contracts. Often overlooked, however, are specific rules, exceptions and conditions that may either expand or restrict the tax benefits. This course will cover how life insurance and annuities can deliver income tax benefits, issues that can cause contracts to lose their tax favored status, special tax rules for business owned life insurance policies and rules regarding tax-free exchanges. The course will also address estate taxation of life insurance and annuities.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Disability Income Insurance: Safeguarding Your Future (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 2, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed to help insurance agents recognize the probabilities of disability, the potential losses resulting from disabilities, and the need for disability income protection. The course will also help insurance agents understand individual disability income insurance as well as other sources of disability income protection such as social security, group disability income protection, and salary continuation plans. This course will address various business loss exposures and applications of disability income insurance to address these exposures. Lastly, the course will address taxation of individual disability income insurance and related options.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 7, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 7, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 9, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 9, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 10, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 10, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 8-Hour Long-Term Care Partnership (Initial Training Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 13, 2025
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Long-Term Care Training
This class meets the mandatory 8-hour Colorado long-term care (LTC) partnership classroom training requirement. Producers desiring to sell LTC policies in Colorado must complete 16 hours of initial LTC training: 8 hours in long term care, generally (online or classroom), and 8 hours specific to LTC partnerships (classroom/webinar setting only). This class consists of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and partnership programs, including: State and federal regulations; alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care insurance; the effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection; and consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 14, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 15, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
October 16, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 16, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 17, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 17, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 21, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 21, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and the Business of Insurance (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 23, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will discuss compliance and ethics and delve into the difference between acting legally and acting ethically. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to an interactive discussion of ethical issues and guidelines regarding attitudes and specific conduct. Attendees will talk about the responsibilities that insurance and financial professionals owe to their clients and the companies they represent as well as the obligations owed to the regulators and the public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 23, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 24, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 28, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 28, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 29, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
October 30, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 30, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
October 31, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 4, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 4, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Indexed Annuity and Life Insurance Contracts (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 5, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The growth in popularity of indexed insurance products, specifically fixed indexed annuities and fixed indexed life insurance policies, has been dramatic. While these products are considered fixed contracts, the interest that is credited to these products is based on the performance of an external financial index. The basic concepts of these products may seem simple, but they are among the most complex of all insurance products. To many, they fall in the middle of the risk spectrum, between traditional fixed annuities and life insurance policies and variable annuities and variable life insurance policies. This course will explain how these products compare and contrast with their fixed counterparts. The course will also cover in detail different interest crediting methods and design characteristics of the indexed product, and the important suitability and market conduct issues related to these products.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 6, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 6, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 7, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 7, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 11, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 12, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
November 13, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 13, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 14, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 14, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 18, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 18, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 5-Hour Long-Term Care Refresher, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 19, 2025
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Long Term Care 5hr. Ongoing Course

The Colorado 5 Hour Long Term Care Refresher, 2nd Edition updates insurance agents on the long-term care field, partnerships, and long-term care (LTC) insurance policies. This course reviews the elements of long-term care policies, especially the various elements required under Colorado law. The course also reviews elements of the Colorado LTC Partnership program, Medicaid, Medicare, and the market for long-term care insurance. Agents are given guidance on how to tailor long-term care insurance policies to meet client needs.

Ethics and the Business of Insurance (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 20, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will discuss compliance and ethics and delve into the difference between acting legally and acting ethically. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to an interactive discussion of ethical issues and guidelines regarding attitudes and specific conduct. Attendees will talk about the responsibilities that insurance and financial professionals owe to their clients and the companies they represent as well as the obligations owed to the regulators and the public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 20, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 21, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 25, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics and Regulation in the Insurance Industry (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
November 25, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Ethics are very important for financial services professionals. This course covers the basics of industry regulation and the principles of ethical market conduct. It will review industry regulations and how those regulations affect insurance companies and producers. Also discussed are the ethical standards mandated by most states and federal regulations applicable to many agents. Professional responsibilities to states, insurers, clients and the public are reviewed. The course concludes with practical steps for ethical behavior.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 2, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 2, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding Indexed Annuity and Life Insurance Contracts (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 3, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The growth in popularity of indexed insurance products, specifically fixed indexed annuities and fixed indexed life insurance policies, has been dramatic. While these products are considered fixed contracts, the interest that is credited to these products is based on the performance of an external financial index. The basic concepts of these products may seem simple, but they are among the most complex of all insurance products. To many, they fall in the middle of the risk spectrum, between traditional fixed annuities and life insurance policies and variable annuities and variable life insurance policies. This course will explain how these products compare and contrast with their fixed counterparts. The course will also cover in detail different interest crediting methods and design characteristics of the indexed product, and the important suitability and market conduct issues related to these products.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 4, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 4, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Beneficiary Designations - Getting it Right (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 5, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Who gets the money? A few small words can have enormous consequences, so it’s critical to be sure that beneficiary designations are done correctly. All too often the beneficiary designation is taken lightly or done with insufficient understanding of the potential problems, particularly in increasingly common situations involving blended families. In this course attendees will learn how to be sure that the beneficiary designations reflect the owners’ intention and avoid land mines that can result in funds going to the wrong person and adverse tax and probate consequences. The course will cover individual beneficiaries, minor beneficiaries, trust beneficiaries, per stirpes beneficiaries and beneficiaries for business plans. Life insurance, annuities, and retirement plans will be addressed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 5, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 8-Hour Long-Term Care Partnership (Initial Training Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 8, 2025
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Long-Term Care Training
This class meets the mandatory 8-hour Colorado long-term care (LTC) partnership classroom training requirement. Producers desiring to sell LTC policies in Colorado must complete 16 hours of initial LTC training: 8 hours in long term care, generally (online or classroom), and 8 hours specific to LTC partnerships (classroom/webinar setting only). This class consists of topics related to long-term care insurance, long-term care services, and partnership programs, including: State and federal regulations; alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care insurance; the effect of inflation on benefits and the importance of inflation protection; and consumer suitability standards and guidelines.

Estate Planning Techniques: Understanding Trusts, Buy-Sell Agreements, and Special Planning Considerations, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 9, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Explore a wide range of strategies that can be used during life and after the decedent's death to accomplish estate planning objectives. This class reviews several types of trusts, the tax implications of placing property in a trust, and special planning considerations for married and non-married couples. Students will discover how buy-sell agreements can facilitate the continuation of a business and create estate liquidity, and how to use powers of attorney and advance medical directives to deal with incapacity.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Insurance Planning for Seniors, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 10, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

The information in this course is designed for your senior clients with financial peace of mind during their senior years as they plan for their financial future. The course will address their risk management, how to deal with inflation, proper retirement plan distributions, an overview of their social security benefits, also how to analyze their retirement income, investing those retirement assets for the senior market. Lastly, the course will address taxation and market conduct in the senior market, with key resources to assist.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance: The Basics and Then Some, 2nd Edition

Instructor TBD
December 11, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With its many components and options, few financial services products offer the range and flexibility of life insurance for both business and personal planning. In this course, agents explore the types of policies and provisions within the products. You will review the fundamentals of life insurance, policy terms and designs, loans and withdrawals, underwriting and more.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Medicare and Medicare Supplements: Closing the Coverage Gap, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 11, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With increased life expectancy, it's likely that individuals will be enrolled in Medicare longer than expected. Yet Medicare has significant gaps in coverage that can put assets at risk. This class reviews Medicare Parts A-D, the coverage gaps, and Medicare supplements. The course discusses Medicare Select Plans, Medicare Advantage Plans, as well as the impact of the Affordable Care Act. Medicare riders and the use of HSAs are examined. Participants will leave with a better understanding of Medicare eligibility, the original Medicare Plan, what services are not covered by Medicare, and how to close the Medicare coverage gaps. 

Agents and Ethics, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 12, 2025
8:30 am - 11:30 am

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how it creates the foundation for personal as well as professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policyowners, their states, and the general public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Social Security: Now and the Future? 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 12, 2025
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

According to studies and reports that measure the preparedness for retirement, retirees over the next several years will depend heavily on Social Security Retirement benefits. As such, there will be increased pressure on financial professionals to understand the retirement benefits that Social Security will provide and to integrate these benefits into clients' retirement plans.  After a brief review of the history and development of Social Security, the course will provide in-depth discussion of all Social Security benefits, with specific emphasis on retirement and survivors benefits for eligible workers, their spouses, widows and widowers, and divorced spouses.  The course will also examine the implications of collecting retirement benefits early as well as delaying retirement benefits.  In addition, the course will cover basic benefits and recent changes to the Medicare benefit system.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Retirement Planning Strategies, 1st Edition, Revised (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 16, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Today's retirement planning must address many dimensions and cover many needs: health care and health insurance; income and asset distribution; Social Security; and, unlike the retirement plans of years ago, continued wealth accumulation. Understand the financial concerns facing retirees, identify the products and services that would help meet those concerns, and review the ethics and market conduct requirements of serving the senior market. This class is critical as you help your clients manage their assets in retirement.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

The Ins and Outs of Group Insurance, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 16, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

This course helps insurance agents understand how group insurance works, how group insurance and employee benefits serve both the employer and employees, and how group insurance interfaces with other sources of insurance protection. The course provides an overview of group life, health, disability, and long term care insurance, as well as a review of Section 125 plans. Also addressed is the manner in which group insurance interacts with workers' compensation benefits, individual insurance coverages, Social Security benefits, and other group insurance coverage that may be carried by a spouse or domestic partner.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Colorado 5-Hour Long-Term Care Refresher, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 17, 2025
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Long Term Care 5hr. Ongoing Course

The Colorado 5 Hour Long Term Care Refresher, 2nd Edition updates insurance agents on the long-term care field, partnerships, and long-term care (LTC) insurance policies. This course reviews the elements of long-term care policies, especially the various elements required under Colorado law. The course also reviews elements of the Colorado LTC Partnership program, Medicaid, Medicare, and the market for long-term care insurance. Agents are given guidance on how to tailor long-term care insurance policies to meet client needs.

Ethics and the Business of Insurance (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 18, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This course will discuss compliance and ethics and delve into the difference between acting legally and acting ethically. Students will have the opportunity to contribute to an interactive discussion of ethical issues and guidelines regarding attitudes and specific conduct. Attendees will talk about the responsibilities that insurance and financial professionals owe to their clients and the companies they represent as well as the obligations owed to the regulators and the public.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Understanding IRAs - Products, Distributions, and Strategies, 1st Edition, 2nd Revision (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 18, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

With the retirement of the "baby boomers" well underway, understanding the options and the requirements under the laws, rules and regulations governing IRAs is becoming even more important. This course will review the features and benefits of IRA plans and the relative advantages and disadvantages of different types of IRAs and different IRA strategies. The course will place particular emphasis on distribution options and requirements, understanding transfers and rollovers under the new rules, and IRA conversions.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Life Insurance and Annuities: The Effects of Income and Estate Taxation, 2nd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 19, 2025
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Most insurance and financial professionals understand the basic taxation principles regarding cash value build-up and the death benefits in life insurance and annuity contracts. Often overlooked, however, are specific rules, exceptions and conditions that may either expand or restrict the tax benefits. This course will cover how life insurance and annuities can deliver income tax benefits, issues that can cause contracts to lose their tax favored status, special tax rules for business owned life insurance policies and rules regarding tax-free exchanges. The course will also address estate taxation of life insurance and annuities.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Ethics for Insurance Professionals: A Practical Guide (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 19, 2025
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This class presents the concept of ethics, how it relates to the sales and service of insurance, and how ethics creates the foundation for personal and professional success. The class sets the foundation by examining ethics as a moral and legal force. It then previews the ethical responsibilities agents owe to their insurers, their policy owners, their states, and the general public. Practical issues such as the proper use of policy illustrations, replacement, and ethical sales presentations are also discussed.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

Financial Strategies to Achieve Client Objectives, 3rd Edition (Webinar)

Instructor TBD
December 23, 2025
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Life, Accident and Health

Increase your knowledge and understanding of the issues and tools involved in helping individuals accumulate and preserve financial assets. Special attention is paid to understanding client needs and goals at various stages in life, and understanding the strategies, products, and techniques to help the client achieve their goals and objectives. Specific focus will include determining needs and objectives; saving and accumulation techniques; risk and risk management; and asset allocation.

Please note, you will receive CE credit hours for this course awarded by the Department of Insurance in the state you've selected. The following statement is not applicable unless you are a Minnesota-resident producer:

This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 4 hours of insurance continuing education (Applies to MN insurance CE courses only; statement required by MN DOC).

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