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Connecticut Insurance Continuing Education State Requirements

On this page, you will find all of the state-specific information for Insurance CE in the state of Connecticut.

Connecticut Insurance Department

153 Market Street
Hartford, CT 06103
PO Box 816
Hartford, CT 06142-0816

Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except for State Holidays
Phone: (860) 297-3800
Toll-free Number: 1 (800) 203-3447
Email: insurance@ct.gov
Website: http://www.ct.gov/cid/site/default.asp
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Continuing Education Information on State Website can be found here.

General Requirements and Information:

All information is regarding Resident Licensees. For Non-Resident Requirements, see the state website (link above).

24 hours every 2 years - 6 hours in the line of authority held

License Renewal Deadline
Date of birth every 2 years

3 hours (Ethics or Connecticut Laws & Regs)

A producer who engages in the sale of annuity products must complete a one-time, 4-credit training course approved by the Department of Insurance and provided by the Department of Insurance-approved education provider. Producers may not engage in the sale of annuities until the annuity training requirement has been completed.

Long-Term Care

Producers must complete a one-time Long-Term Care Partnership certification training prior to selling, soliciting, or negotiating products and/or policies. Additional information is available here: Connecticut Office of Policy & Management

NOTE: The Kaplan Financial Education LTC courses do not certify you to sell CT Partnership for LTC policies. Please contact the CT Partnership for LTC at (860) 418-6318 for information on Partnership certification requirements.

3 hour

Course Repetition within Compliance Period
Not allowed

Course Credit Carryover
Not allowed

Online Course/Exam Requirements

  • Proctor: This state requires a disinterested 3rd party proctor be present for online certification exams. A disinterested third party is someone with no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise. An example of someone who is a disinterested third party is a librarian or test center employee. An example of someone who is not a disinterested third party is a family member (both immediate and extended; in-laws included) or a coworker who is above/below your line of supervision.


The state requires reporting within 15 days of completion. There is a $1.50 per credit hour reporting fee.

Acceptable Training Methods

  • Correspondence (Print)
  • Company Seminars
  • Classroom
  • CBT/CD-ROM (Computer-Based Training)
  • Online (Internet Delivery)


This information is based on state laws and regulations and is subject to change. Kaplan Financial Education makes every effort to make sure this information is current and accurate, however, Kaplan Financial Education is not engaged in rendering legal or professional advice and shall not be held responsible for inaccuracies contained herein.

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