Our Total Access CE Libraries, Webinars, and Online Courses are insurance continuing education solutions that provide a safe and convenient learning environment for our students, customers, and community. Select Your State »

Massachusetts Insurance Continuing Education (CE)

Complete state-mandated continuing education with ease by accessing our entire CE library or selecting an individual course that pertains to your practice.

Renew your insurance license and continue producing with Kaplan Financial Education’s extensive library of Massachusetts-approved CE courses. Our courses provide you with relevant topics such as annuities, long-term care certification training, tax updates, and more:

  • Anti-Money Laundering
  • Claims
  • Classroom Equivalency
  • Client Service
  • Commercial Lines
  • Estate Planning
  • Ethics
  • Financial Planning
  • Health Insurance
  • Long-Term Care Certifications
  • Personal Lines
  • Property-Casualty Basics
  • Retirement Planning
  • Tax Updates
  • Underwriting

Select an Insurance CE library, online course, or live online webinar to begin renewing your Massachusetts insurance license!

Total Access CE for Massachusetts

Kaplan Financial Education's Total Access CE grants 365 days of access to our library of courses. Take all the online continuing education courses you need to fulfill your Massachusetts CE requirements with just one purchase.

All Lines
Total Access CE

Recommended - 80+ Courses


Access Kaplan’s entire CE library and complete courses specific to every line of authority.

Life & Health
Total Access CE

Access to 45+ Courses


Access Kaplan’s CE library of courses approved for life & health CE credits.

Property & Casualty
Total Access CE

Access to 50+ Courses


Access Kaplan’s CE library of courses approved for property & casualty CE credits.

Total Access CE

Access to 25+ Courses


Access Kaplan’s CE library of courses approved for adjuster CE credits.

Individual Webinars and Online Courses for Massachusetts

Fulfill your required insurance CE credits by completing an individual online CE course or a live online CE webinar.

Online CE Courses

Individual online courses let you earn Massachusetts CE credits from your home or office.

CE Webinars

Meet your Massachusetts CE requirements by attending a live online webinar from the comfort of your home or office.

Not sure what the Insurance CE requirements are in Massachusetts?

View Massachusetts State Requirements