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New York Insurance Continuing Education State Requirements

On this page, you will find all of the state-specific information for Insurance CE in the state of New York.

New York State Department of Financial Services

New York City - Main Office
One State Street
New York, NY 10004-1511

Phone: (800) 342-3736 or (212) 480-6400


Transcripts: New York does not provide transcripts

Continuing Education Information on State Website can be Found Here: https://www.dfs.ny.gov/apps_and_licensing/agents_and_brokers/continuing_education

General Requirements and Information:

All information is regarding Resident Licensees. For Non-Resident Requirements, see the state website (link above). 

  • 15 hours in the line of authority held every 2 years
  • 30 hours for dual licensees with 50% in each line
  • at least 1 hour of Insurance Law;
  • at least 1 hour of Ethics and Professionalism;
  • at least 1 hour of Diversity, Inclusion, and Elimination of Bias,
  • at least 1 hour of Flood Insurance (if the licensee is licensed to sell one or more lines of property/casualty insurance;
  • at least 3 hours of Enhanced Flood Insurance (if the licensee sells flood insurance through the NFIP).
  • Licensee renewal deadline is date of birth every 2 years

Regulation 187 (Part 224 of Title 11 of the Official Compilation of the State of New York) requires insurers to set forth standards and procedures for recommendations to consumers so that the insurance needs and financial objectives of consumers are appropriately addressed. New York has recently modified Regulation 187 to include two main changes: 1) they have added a “best interests” component to the rule, which raises the standard on how producers recommend annuities to customers and, 2) they have expanded the regulation to include Life Insurance products. This is resulting in the need for additional training in New York.

Long-Term Care
One time 6 hour - This course is only offered by the New York Department of Financial Services. More information can be found at: https://www.dfs.ny.gov/insurance/ogco2004/rg041215.htm 

3 hour

Course Repetition
Not allowed ever

Course Credit Carryover
Not allowed

The state requires reporting within 30 days of 

Acceptable Training Methods
  • Correspondence (Print)
  • Classroom
  • Online (Internet Delivery)
  • Company Seminars
  • CBT/CD-ROM (Computer-Based Training)

This information is based on state laws and regulations and is subject to change. Kaplan Financial Education makes every effort to make sure this information is current and accurate, however, Kaplan Financial Education is not engaged in rendering legal or professional advice and shall not be held responsible for inaccuracies contained herein.

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