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Your Pathways to Adjuster Licensure

Whether you need to take your state’s adjuster licensing exam or pursue a license under the Designated Home State (DHS) exemption, our proven, expert-made courses will help you succeed.

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Insurance Adjuster FAQs

Individuals who live in a state that has an adjuster state licensing exam and who are interested in becoming company or independent adjusters in their state must demonstrate their knowledge of the insurance adjuster industry by passing their state licensing exam. Candidates typically prepare for their state licensing exam by taking an online prelicensing education or exam prep course.

Kaplan is in the process of releasing prelicensing and exam prep courses in the states that require individuals to take an all-lines adjuster licensing exam. Please use the state drop-down menu to see if a course is currently available for your resident state’s adjuster licensing exam.

The Designated Home State (DHS) adjuster license is available to individuals who are residents of a state that does not license adjusters, or to individuals that are company adjusters and reside in a state that only licenses independent adjusters and want to designate a non-resident state as their home state.

You may choose to obtain Kaplan’s Florida Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation or the Texas Property/Casualty Adjuster license under the DHS exemption.

Kaplan’s Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) Designation
The Certified All-Lines Adjuster (CALA) designation is offered by Kaplan pursuant to the authority of Florida Statute §626.221 and with the approval of the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS). Completion of the CALA designation course allows a prospective licensee to obtain a 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State Adjuster license without taking the Florida state licensing exam. Simply obtain the CALA designation and apply for your Florida 70-20 Adjuster license.

Texas Property/Casualty (P/C) Adjuster License

The Texas P/C Adjuster license is highly respected in the industry and is available to individuals who want to designate Texas as their home state.

Kaplan’s Texas P/C Adjuster licensing course and exam is ideal for an adjuster seeking an adjuster license under the DHS concept. The course contains the actual state licensing exam for the Texas P/C Adjuster license; therefore, you can satisfy your Texas prelicensing requirement and pass the Texas P/C Adjuster state licensing exam without leaving your home or office. Upon completing the Kaplan course and successfully passing the course exam, you can remotely apply for the Texas Property/Casualty Adjuster license using the procedures found on the Texas State Requirements webpage. This will qualify you to adjust in your home state and all states that recognize the Texas DHS Adjuster license.

Check with the Department of Insurance in your resident state and the states you wish to provide adjuster services in to see how the Florida 70-20 Non-Resident Designated Home State adjuster license or the Texas P/C Adjuster license can be used in those states.

The following states do not require that insurance adjusters be licensed or do not offer a company adjuster license. A Designated Home State (DHS) license is highly respected in these states and is proven to enhance credibility to clients: CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.

Adjuster License Required:
AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IN, KY, LA, ME, MI, MN, MS, MT, NC, NH, NM, NV, NY, OK, OR, RI, SC, TX, UT, VT, WA, WV, and WY.

No Adjuster License Required:
CO, DC, IA, IL, KS, MA, MD, MO, ND, NE, NJ, OH, PA, SD, TN, VA, and WI.