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Kaplan Insurance Licensing Pass Rates

Join the students using Kaplan's study materials to pass any of the Insurance Licensing exams with confidence.

The Proof Is in the Pass Rate

Industry standards for pass rate data collection are confusing, because different providers present their metrics in different and sometimes questionable ways. Kaplan keeps our methods and metrics transparent. Pass rates were calculated from surveys and include the responses of a total of 2,647 insurance licensing students who used Kaplan exam prep programs to prepare for their insurance exams. 

Insurance Pass Rates


Life and Health Insurance Exam Pass Rate


Property and Casualty Insurance Exam Pass Rate


had a positive experience with Kaplan


would recommend Kaplan

This data is based on survey research results conducted by Kaplan from 4/1/22 through 3/31/23, and answered by 2,647 completed surveys from students who purchased a Kaplan Insurance course in 2022, of which 2,079 reported their pass rates.

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